Exhibited and spoke at “Innovation Leaders Summit 2017” (Oct. 23-25).
We exhibited at “Innovation Leaders Summit 2017” held at Toranomon Hills on October 23-25, 2017, and spoke at “NEDO Dream Pitch” on October 24.
EventsThe global pharmaceutical industry is said to be a huge and growing market in the world.
We are a stem cell bio-venture company conducting research and development that has never been done before.
We exhibited at “Innovation Leaders Summit 2017” held at Toranomon Hills on October 23-25, 2017, and spoke at “NEDO Dream Pitch” on October 24.
EventsOur project was selected as a grant project. Grants name:FY2018 “Research and Development Venture Support Project / Commercialization Support for R&D Ventures in Seed Phase” Theme:Development of regenerative medicine products using “OligoGenie” human neural stem cells Issuing authority:New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
GrantsWe exhibited and spoke at “Innovation Japan 2017 – University Trade Fair & Business Matching” held at Tokyo Big Sight from August 31 to September 1, 2017.
EventsOn August 11, 2017, the Company increased its capital by issuing new shares through a third-party allotment (Series A-1) to four venture capital firms.
FundingNikkei Biotech online has published an article introducing our company. ■https://bio.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/column/16/021500017/050900071/ (Published on May 10, 2017)
MediaThe presentation was made at the NEDO SUI Dream Pitch held at the NEDO Incubation Center on March 16, 2017.